
US Policy Risks Turning Europe Into Nuclear Cannon Fodder – Mexican Analyst

Sputnik Internationa; 04.07.15 Mexican journalist Alfredo Jalife-Rahme argues that NATO moves and Eastern European governments' irresponsible declarations about the growing "Russian threat" risk turning Europeans...

Declaraciones de Trump consolidan voto mexicano: Jalife. Con Juan F Rocha

Alfredo Jalife-Rahme refirió que son declaraciones clásicas de una persona que está ligada al crimen organizado de Estados Unidos "lo digo con mucha responsabilidad....

China currency is ‘no longer undervalued’, says IMF

Fuente: Financial Times  The International Monetary Fund has declared that China’s currency is “no longer undervalued”, marking a significant shift after more than a decade...

‘La Jornada’: “Putin triunfa diplomáticamente sobre EE.UU.”

Publicado: 24 may 2015 19:48 GMT Vladímir Putin logra un triunfo diplomático sobre EE.UU., así lo demuestra la visita del Secretario de Estado, John Kerry,...

The Misnomer of “LatinAmerica” and The New Geoestrategic G-3 World Order.

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics(SUFE) & Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) Intl. Seminar 28.9.13 By Dr.Alfredo JALIFE-RAHME Reflections on a Necessary Transition Program for a Participatory Democracy...

China´s role in the emerging global world order and the battle for a postcapitalist 21st Century civilization.

Por Alfredo Jalife Mientras la agencia británica de noticias Reuters pregona el fracaso de la cumbre de EU y China, buy la prensa china está más...

Vladimir Putin takes swipe at US during military parade speech

Fuente: Financial Times Russian president Vladimir Putin used the 70th anniversary of the end of world war two in Europe to call for a global...

Putin accuses US of supporting separatist militants inside Russia

Fuente Financial Times; 26.04.15 Vladimir Putin has accused the US of directly supporting separatist militants in Russia’s North Caucasus region against whom Moscow fought a...

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